Tuesday, June 15, 2010
A nice and crunchy conclusion wrap!
Well from the beginning of the year to the very end, even I can tell that I have picked up some wonderful skills. In the beginning I had no idea what to expect or what was expected of me so I dont think I really opened myself up to my work (blogs). This entire year my brain has been crammed full of knowledge! In Honors English I learned mainly about theme and motifs, but also literary elements, symbolism and foreplay. Throughout the two semesters that I have been writing these blogs, I have never really noticed a theme. But tonight as I was reading over some of my entries and I relized that I do have a theme. It is that in the beginning I had barely any commentary and in the end it was mainly all commentary! When I re-read my blog on Pip's life and how I related to him. I became aware of the fact that I was holding back much of the story, and the story that I wasn't holding back I had forgotten to tell the whole truth. Looking back I relize that what I lacked in my first few blogs was commentary and my own origional ideas. I did not go into depth when I said "Pip in a sence looked before he leaped,because when he saw Estella for the first time he looked and he leaped in many different steps to become a gentleman." even though there was so much I could have talked about! My next journal entrie however brought a little more interest to the table, it ended with a very intreguing question, "But why would Able M. be "afeerd" of getting "low" in front of Pip, who would have never been a gentleman if it hadn't been for him?" To me this is a good question because it uses some small quotes and asks a direct question to the reader. Even on my third blog I seem to be opening up, and sharing more of my ideas. Unfortunatly the next to blogs lack in creativity, I think that I was rushed for time and wrote down the first thing that poped into my head. I regret not delving into the never ending information that floods the internet for the blog with wich we had to find a something from this present day to represent Romeo and Juliet. I unfortunatly choose Taylor Swift, which is the biggest mistake I have ever made... on this blog! But I saw the light when Mrs. Gilman posted the dream/birth sign blog!! That was my favorite blog for the entire year, probably because it was about something other than a classic... mainly. The concept of a super natural force has always intregued me, that there are pre-destined fates, and magical planet/star alignments that will change your futuer! The more intreguing and self centered things are easier to write about for me, becaue then I can relate to those experiences and give better commentary and feedback. When I think about the near futuer (summer) I dont usually ponder about what books I want to read, but throughout the last week and the last blog (that I did) I have come up with many a good book to cuddle up with this summer! Added to the list that I previously started on my blog I now want to read all of John Green's books, The Life of Pie, Hunger Games, My Sisters Keeper, and Rats Saw God. To me reading isnt always that bad it depends on the book, I usually read more intence and meaningful books, that either break your heart or change your life forever, one of the profound but simple statements that Alaska Young says (in Looking For Alaska by John Green) "You smoke to enjoy it, I smoke to die." This blog has helped me see my improvments,shown me what I still need to work on, and how my future will be for the next seven years, I hope that next year we will contiue our blogs so that I can interpret the writing between the lines in anything that I read.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Books....?... * Oh Yeah....! :D
Well usually I am a down to earth good book reader. If I pick up a good book and it hooks me I wont be able to put it down till its done! However for many books (i.e. school related ones i.e. Great Expectations) I cant stand reading them and it might take me a little longer to finish them...
This summer I am hopeing to read Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson. I have heard many great things about this book and since I love to read intencely heartbreaking stories, I think this will be a good one for me!
The other book on my summer reading list is... Cutting For Stone by Abraham Verghese. This is another one of those intence looking books about twin orphan brothers "bound together by preternatural connection, and shared fascination with medicine." I cant wait to dig into these two books this summer along with all the other butt loads of work.
This summer I am hopeing to read Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson. I have heard many great things about this book and since I love to read intencely heartbreaking stories, I think this will be a good one for me!
The other book on my summer reading list is... Cutting For Stone by Abraham Verghese. This is another one of those intence looking books about twin orphan brothers "bound together by preternatural connection, and shared fascination with medicine." I cant wait to dig into these two books this summer along with all the other butt loads of work.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Aries = Me... mostly
Being the first sign in the Zodiac, I think is a pretty important role. Aries people are born between March 21, and April 20. My birthday is April 18. Apparently my element sign is fire, which fits me perfectly since I have red hair and have always been mesmerized by the flames. Fire people are stubborn, and courageous, they are also said to have lots of energy and enthusiasm and will stick with their beliefs no matter what. It is also said that being a Fire person you are egotistic and dont care about anybody elses feelings, (which is not true about me). Aries planet is ruled by Mars, and in ancient Greek/Roman methology Aries or Mars was the God of war. I tend to argue a lot, but mainly with people I am close to like my family, most of the time if I dont like someone or something I wont express it, unless I am friends with that person. Uranus is about to come in line with Mars on May 27, for the next 7 years! This means that untill I am done with school I will be having the time of my life, I cant wait! If this is true then I am definatly excited for this summer! But as we all know you cant trust just anything on the internet.
But on the love end of the horoscope Aries tend to have the "Love at First Sight" beife, which unfortunatly is true about me. Because of this fact I think that Romeo is an Aries, he falls in love with a girl whom he hasent even spoken to, and then gets married to her the next day! I am definatly not that extreme, but I do tend to like someone easily without knowing them for over 20 minutes. For all of my reaserch tonight, I have concluded that most of the information that I have gathered tonight is true, and so I do believe in fate. I always have in some way or another but it just gets stronger with all the interesting tidbits! One of Shakespears main motifs in the play Romeo and Juliet is fate, this motif is obvious from all the cheezy ways it is expresed. Their story is the story every romantic love lost girl dreams about. -A strange handsome boy that walks up to you and asks to dance, then adoringly tells you how much he wants to kiss you, and then kisses you.- But unfortunatly many people in the real world dont have the same predestined fate, (or lucky good looks), no matter how much they wish or pray.
But on the love end of the horoscope Aries tend to have the "Love at First Sight" beife, which unfortunatly is true about me. Because of this fact I think that Romeo is an Aries, he falls in love with a girl whom he hasent even spoken to, and then gets married to her the next day! I am definatly not that extreme, but I do tend to like someone easily without knowing them for over 20 minutes. For all of my reaserch tonight, I have concluded that most of the information that I have gathered tonight is true, and so I do believe in fate. I always have in some way or another but it just gets stronger with all the interesting tidbits! One of Shakespears main motifs in the play Romeo and Juliet is fate, this motif is obvious from all the cheezy ways it is expresed. Their story is the story every romantic love lost girl dreams about. -A strange handsome boy that walks up to you and asks to dance, then adoringly tells you how much he wants to kiss you, and then kisses you.- But unfortunatly many people in the real world dont have the same predestined fate, (or lucky good looks), no matter how much they wish or pray.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Romeo and Juliet newly found love...
Love Story, by Taylor Swift
We were both young when i first saw you
I close my eyes
and the flashback starts
I'm standing there
on a balcony in summer air
See the lights,
See the party the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
and say hello
little did I know
That you were romeo you were throwing pebbles
and my daddy said stay away from juliet
and I was crying on the staircase
begging you please don’t go, and I said
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all theres left to do is run
you’ll be the prince and i’ll be the princess
its a love story baby just say yes
so i sneak out to the garden to see you
we keep quiet because we’re dead if they know
so close your eyes
lets escape this town for a little while
cause you were romeo i was a scarlet letter
and my daddy said stay away from juliet
but you were everything to me
and i was begging you please don’t go and i said
romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
i’ll be waiting all theres left to do is run
you be the prince and i’ll be the princess
its a love story baby just say yes
romeo save me, they try to tell me how to feel
this love is difficult, but its real
don’t be afraid we’ll make it out of this mess
its a love story baby just say yes,
Oh, oh
I got tired of waiting
wondering if you were ever coming around
my faith in you was fading
when i met you on the outskirts of town, and I said
romeo save me i’ve been feeling so alone
i keep waiting for you but you never come
is this in my head, i don’t know what to think
he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said
marry me juliet you’ll never have to be alone
i love you and thats all I really know
i talked to your dad go pick out a white dress
its a love story baby just say yes
oh, oh,
we were both young when i first saw you...
Even though I personally dont like Taylor Swift this song is, ok.
I thought that it was clever how she twisted the Shakespirian love story and made it her own. I also think its interesting that she didnt mention that they both die in the end... Although it is Hollywood so you will never know what can happen, except that the story will always have a happy ending! I prefer Shakespear's story to Taylor's, unless im trying to fall asleep.
We were both young when i first saw you
I close my eyes
and the flashback starts
I'm standing there
on a balcony in summer air
See the lights,
See the party the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
and say hello
little did I know
That you were romeo you were throwing pebbles
and my daddy said stay away from juliet
and I was crying on the staircase
begging you please don’t go, and I said
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all theres left to do is run
you’ll be the prince and i’ll be the princess
its a love story baby just say yes
so i sneak out to the garden to see you
we keep quiet because we’re dead if they know
so close your eyes
lets escape this town for a little while
cause you were romeo i was a scarlet letter
and my daddy said stay away from juliet
but you were everything to me
and i was begging you please don’t go and i said
romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
i’ll be waiting all theres left to do is run
you be the prince and i’ll be the princess
its a love story baby just say yes
romeo save me, they try to tell me how to feel
this love is difficult, but its real
don’t be afraid we’ll make it out of this mess
its a love story baby just say yes,
Oh, oh
I got tired of waiting
wondering if you were ever coming around
my faith in you was fading
when i met you on the outskirts of town, and I said
romeo save me i’ve been feeling so alone
i keep waiting for you but you never come
is this in my head, i don’t know what to think
he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said
marry me juliet you’ll never have to be alone
i love you and thats all I really know
i talked to your dad go pick out a white dress
its a love story baby just say yes
oh, oh,
we were both young when i first saw you...
Even though I personally dont like Taylor Swift this song is, ok.
I thought that it was clever how she twisted the Shakespirian love story and made it her own. I also think its interesting that she didnt mention that they both die in the end... Although it is Hollywood so you will never know what can happen, except that the story will always have a happy ending! I prefer Shakespear's story to Taylor's, unless im trying to fall asleep.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
A few scence that would be fun...
1. I think that it would be hilarious to do the scene where the "Mysterious Convict" gives Pip the money in the bar. One of the main funny points that the actors could punctuate would be when the "Mysterious Convict" starts rubbing his leg. This scene would include Pip and "Mysterious Convict" along with Joe and Mr. Wopsle.
2. Another part that I remember well and is a great significance to the book is when Pip first goes to Miss Havisham's house and Estella is taking him to Miss Havisham's room. This scene would only include Estella and Pip.
3. The most interesting place in Great Expectations would have to be Wemmick's house, because it is so... different from the rest of the book. It is the total contrast and Pip's safe haven from his normal day to day life. The scene would include Pip ringing the doorbell, and going inside the gothic mansion and the n meeting the Aged. So the characters included are Pip, Wemmick and the Aged P.
2. Another part that I remember well and is a great significance to the book is when Pip first goes to Miss Havisham's house and Estella is taking him to Miss Havisham's room. This scene would only include Estella and Pip.
3. The most interesting place in Great Expectations would have to be Wemmick's house, because it is so... different from the rest of the book. It is the total contrast and Pip's safe haven from his normal day to day life. The scene would include Pip ringing the doorbell, and going inside the gothic mansion and the n meeting the Aged. So the characters included are Pip, Wemmick and the Aged P.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Able Magwitch
When Able Magwitch comes back into the book it is somewhat suprising, but brings some loose ends together. On the other hand, since Pip has become a gentleman the reader has become used to a higher level of diction and to have Able Magwitch jump back into the scene the book becomes harder to understand because Able has a lower level of diction than Pip. Magwitch's disadvantage has made me start to ponder what he means by "Howsomever, I'm a-getting low, and I know what's due. Dear boy and Pip's comrade, don't you be afeerd of me getting low."(371)It seems to me that Able is trying to tell Pip of his life's story without a dialect that might impose upon a gentleman's status. But why would Able M. be "afeerd" of getting "low" in front of Pip, who would have never been a gentleman if it hadn't been for him?
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Look Before You Leap...

I chose this picture to show the first part of Pip's long journy to become a gentleman. I think that when Pip is on his way to London (in a carriage)he finally takes in the full efect of what is happening. Before, all Pip had was the want and mental theory that he would never be happy until he was a gentleman. But now that the journy has actually begun, and there is no turning back, he thinks about what he will leave behind, and miss is he were to stay in the country. Pip in a sence looked before he leaped, because when he saw Estella for the first time thats when he looked, and he leaped in many different steps to get to be a gentleman.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Pip vs. My Chain of Change
In Pip's statement to the reader I think he is portraying the beginning of a new life,
that began with one thing that will lead to another. The first link in Pip's chain is
when he visits Miss Havisham for the first time, and finds out how poor and
utterly common he is from Estella. This is also the day that Pip started to realize
how common he was and that he could never be happy again until he became
a gentleman. Before heading off to Miss Havisham's Pip was uncertain and skittish,
he didn’t know that he was poor or un-educated. In fact for most people in his village
he was educated.
When I was in 5th grade I didn’t care what clothes I was wearing as long as they
were green. But the first day of middle school I began to see a change in the people
around me, they began to care about how they looked, if there make up was smeared
and if their hair was frizzy or not. At first I was confused by all the clutter and kids.
Although after awhile I felt as if my clothes were weird and not "cool" enough to fit in
with the "cool" crowd. So the very next day I began to watch and speculate the
different fashions that were sweeping the school around me. By the middle of the year
I was confident enough to try some new things out like jeans. After my first step one
thing lead to another and by the time I finished middle school I was with the flow of
kids in their styles and brand names, although I never liked the brand names so I
stuck with my own style and has changed my life dramatically.
that began with one thing that will lead to another. The first link in Pip's chain is
when he visits Miss Havisham for the first time, and finds out how poor and
utterly common he is from Estella. This is also the day that Pip started to realize
how common he was and that he could never be happy again until he became
a gentleman. Before heading off to Miss Havisham's Pip was uncertain and skittish,
he didn’t know that he was poor or un-educated. In fact for most people in his village
he was educated.
When I was in 5th grade I didn’t care what clothes I was wearing as long as they
were green. But the first day of middle school I began to see a change in the people
around me, they began to care about how they looked, if there make up was smeared
and if their hair was frizzy or not. At first I was confused by all the clutter and kids.
Although after awhile I felt as if my clothes were weird and not "cool" enough to fit in
with the "cool" crowd. So the very next day I began to watch and speculate the
different fashions that were sweeping the school around me. By the middle of the year
I was confident enough to try some new things out like jeans. After my first step one
thing lead to another and by the time I finished middle school I was with the flow of
kids in their styles and brand names, although I never liked the brand names so I
stuck with my own style and has changed my life dramatically.
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